Google快讯 – waste incinerator

waste incinerator

每天更新 2020年4月30日

Marco Castaldi, an associate professor with the City University of New York and associate director for the Earth Engineering Center, told Waste Dive the …

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As for the presence of iodine in the waste Covanta incinerated on April 7, Regan said the company self-reported the purple plumes to ICC and the DEP …

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The incinerator, which burns 1 million tons of municipal waste a year, is operated by Covanta Energy and owned by the Port Authority of New York and …

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A hazardous-waste facility in El Dorado is incinerating hundreds of … an incinerator inside the Clean Harbors El Dorado hazardous waste facility.

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An analysis of three soil and four water samples collected near the Norlite incinerator in Cohoes, New York, revealed the presence of 10 PFAS …

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Once the new incinerator becomes operational, it will be able to handle an additional 550 tons of waste every day, which the county believes will …

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Overall, the report provides an in-depth insight of 2018-2025 global Medical Waste Incinerators market covering all important parameters. The report on …

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… for emitting purple smoke, which could indicate combustion of iodine. … and water contamination downwind from an incinerator in upstate New York …

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